Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Monday, 11/16/09

Matt Krause was involved in a serious automobile accident early Sunday morning, 11/15/09. He was ejected through the windshield of his vehicle. Rescue officials had him airlifted from the scene to Grady Hospital.

Matt sustained a massive head injury that required immediate surgery to remove a large blood clot from the right hemisphere of his brain. Sadly, his #6 and #7 cervical vertebrae were broken, crushing his spinal cord. As of right now he seems to have no feeling from the waist down.

Doctors have Matt in a medically-induced coma -- the reason for this is two-fold: 1) to keep him somewhat comfortable, and 2) to prevent him from fighting the ventilator that is helping him breathe. They did bring him briefly out of the coma just a bit, called his name, and he responded by moving his upper body. Praise God there seems to be a cognitive connection between his brain and his body! Doctors and the family are very encouraged that his brain seems to be responding.

Mark and Nancy covet our prayers! They have asked that we not call them or come to the hospital at this time. Once Matt's condition improves and he is moved to a room the hospital will allow visitors. Because he is on a critical care wardthere is simply no space to receive visitors. Also, Mark and Nancy are exhausted and using all of their energy for Matt -- it's important for us to honor this request. The unit Matt is in right now does not allow or receive any cards or flowers for patients or families. If you'd like to send them, cards and notes should all go to their home.

As you can imagine, Mark and Nancy are completely focused on Matt and his healing. Missy is with them and Nikki is on her way from her home to be with them, as well. Mark sounds strong and says that Nancy is holding up well. They believe God will do a miraculous healing in Matt, and ask that we all pray toward that end.

Mark asked me to be the "go between" to get information to you, their beloved church friends and family -- here are the specific things for which he asks prayer at this time:

* Continued healing for Matt's brain injury.
* Successful surgery on the broken vertebrae and rebuilding of Matt's neck.
* That his spinal injury will not be permanent.
* Physical comfort for Matt -- it's going to be a long road.

I'll update as information is available.
Reed Christian


  1. Mark, Nancy, Nikki, Missy & Matt:
    We are SO praying for each of you, and asking God to heal Matt's precious body! We love you!!

  2. Our prayers go out to the whole Krause family in this difficult time. We pray that God's will be done and that he is merciful.

  3. Dear Mr.and Mrs.Krause and family, My family prays for you at this time and will continue to pray for you.I knew Matt very well at work and have worked with him on many occasions.He was a really great guy to have on a jobsite.He and my son were very close friends.My son thought a lot of Matt.we will miss him very much
